Cellulite, THE problem of almost every woman! According to researchers, more than 80% of all women have cellulite! Well, if we all have it, why do we even care? We are beautiful just the way we are!
Cellulite is a condition where fat is typically distributed in the form of dents and bulges. They occur in areas of the body with hypodermic fat tissue (thighs and buttocks). Cellulite affects mostly women and is not caused by obesity.
Why are men born under a lucky star?
First they have one product for bathing, hair washing and car washing. In addition they don’t even have cellulite. Is this even fair? But for real now…
Due to differences in the natural distribution of the fat tissue and the connective tissue, cellulite in male skin is very rare. The fact is that they have less fat ventricles than women and their connective tissue is more diagonally organized (women’s connective tissue is more rectangular).
The role of estrogen in the production of cellulite
Estrogen is a female hormone that plays an important role in the development of the cellulite. Estrogen stimulates the production of an enzyme collagenase that causes decomposition of collagen fibers. In places where the collagen fibers are weakened, fat cells or adipocytes gain more space and consequently new fat cells can be formed.
How can we recognize cellulite?
Orange skin is typical for cellulite. If we touch the skin firmly, we can feel the differences in the flexibility of the fat tissue, micro nodes and tissue thickening and also irregular skin temperature.
Cellulite develops in stages
Phase 1
The skin is still smooth and firm. Cellulite is only shown when pressing the skin. Adipocyte deformation occurs, edema begins to appear due to increased capillary permeability. This stage is still reversible.
Phase 2
Cellulite is noticeable while standing. The flow is impeded in the lymph and blood vessels, the capillary permeability increases and edema occurs. The connective tissue is getting weaker. This stage is still reversible.
Phase 3
The skin looks like an orange peel while standing or sitting. The tissue is loose. Adipocytes (fat cells) fuse into larger aggregates, which are surrounded by inflexible collagen and consequently micro nodes and tissue thickenings are formed. The skin loses its firmness.
Phase 4
At this stage cellular metabolism and protein production weaken. Skin regeneration is affected. The skin is very loose. Micro nods are visible (size up to 20mm).
Why is cellulite formed?
All the causes of cellulite production are only hypotheses, which are not fully proven yet.
– The diet impact – Asian women have less cellulite than Caucasian women. Why? Because the cow’s milk we normally drink is rich in estrogen. But generally speaking there are still more than 80% of women that have problems with it.
-Genetic influences on fat distribution – Usually the daughter will have cellulite at the same places as her mother, regardless of diet and estrogen stimulation, but it also depends on the amount of fat in the body.
– Vascular insufficiency – Hearing this for the first time? well, this means that the weakening of the vessels in the dermis leads to fluid retention and worst appearance of cellulite.
– Too much fat tissue – women with more body fat have more cellulite and even by reducing weight they can’t get rid of it.
The appearance of cellulite may get worse with bad nutrition, too little activity, obesity, hereditary predispositions, vein diseases and many other reasons.
Can we control cellulite?
By physical activity we increase the metabolism. Consequently blood circulation increases which is the reason for less visible cellulite. By massaging and lymphatic drainage we enable better blood flow. Also, many waste products from the lymph eliminated. Cold / hot showers increase blood flow and tighten the tissue.
What about anticellulite cosmetics?
Sincerely, a cosmetic product that eliminates cellulite doesn’t exist! However we have a lot of ingredients that improve the appearance of the affected parts. The cosmetic ingredients for limiting cellulite are differentiated by the mechanism: increasing blood circulation or microcirculation, reducing lipogenesis and increasing lipolysis, establishment of normal structure of dermis and subcutis (retinoids) and substances that prevent the formation of radicals (antioxidants).
Ingredients that increase blood circulation
These compounds are responsible for reducing the permeability of the capillaries, improving the tonus of veins, improving venous and lymphatic drainage and reducing edema. They are also anti-inflammatory. So, the smaller the capillary transitivity,
The smaller is edema the better is blood circulation. Consequently cellulite will be less visible. What “wizards” classify to this group? Ginkgo (Gingko biloba), ivy (Hedera helix), Butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus), horse chestnut (Aescelus hippocastaneum), pentoxifylline, papaya and red grapes.
Compounds that reduce lipogenesis and increase lipolysis
Firstly we should differentiate these expressions. Lipogenesis is a fat forming process, while lipolysis is a fat degradating process. That’s what we want, right? This group includes: caffeine, aminophylline, theophylline and theobromine (ingredients of green tea).
There are also some physical and some invasive methods possible for cellulite removal.
Radiofrequency and liposuction work by using rays of energy. Heating the problematic parts, leads to degradation of adipocytes. Cavitation is based on ultrasonic waves. Lymphatic drainage is a procedure for stimulating the lymphatic vascular system.
Almost all women deal with cellulite, which can be in the first or fourth stage but that is not important at all. What’s important then? Respecting our bodies and not being ashamed of having a dent or two. Keep calm! It presents a ˝problem˝ for more than 80% of women. But that is not the reason to not rock some shorts in the summer!