Cosmedoc consultations are led by a graduate Cosmetic Scienties and Master in Industrial Pharmacy.
I have always loved cosmetics, but studying cosmetology deepened my love for researching this field. Since I myself have problematic and acne-prone skin, I threw myself into researching ingredients and cosmetic products that would improve my condition.
With all the experimentation and listening to (non-professional) advice, my skin condition only got worse for years and years. I jumped at every piece of advice because I wanted overnight results. I was of the opinion that the more products I use and the more I constantly change my routine so that my skin doesn’t get used to it, the better it will be.
Oh, how wrong I was. Over time, I learned to listen to my skin and learn from my mistakes. Today I know that only with consistency can we get the desired results.
Researching on my own gave me a lot of (still necessary) experience, which I am now happy to pass on in the form of individual consultations.
Tajka Selan – founder of the blog